Çerez Örnek


The department provides different certificate programs in order to enable students to graduate experienced with different skills: Internal laboratuay experiences and external (ISO, GMP, GLP etc.)

A total of 138 students have received the Research Experience Certificate, which undergraduate students are entitled to by working 40 working days in the Department's Research Laboratories. Three students, on the other hand, were entitled to the deserved Industrial Experience Certificate, which is maintained by a protocol between the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry and Ege University, working for 2000 hours in an industrial establishment. In addition, Certificate Programs are organized periodically in cooperation with different institutions and organizations. Among them, "Polymer Chemistry", "Quality Systems", "Bioreactor Design", "Tissue Engineering Cell Culture Techniques", "Stem Cell Applications", "Molecular Applications Related to Cell Culture", "Workshop on Plant Product Chemistry (Structure with NMR") Determination)” is available. A total of 300 students have benefited from these programs so far and have been awarded certificates in related subjects.



Ege Üniversitesi